
Sunday, 11 December 2016

Did you know that Jesus was the chosen one?

  • Advent:
  • This is a time to prepare for the coming of Christ.
  • In Advent, the priest wears purple or royal blue clothing in their church during Advent.
  • During Advent, there are no flowers or decorations in the catholic churches.
  • There are four candles on the Advent wreath, three purple candles and a pink candle. The candles represent love, hope, joy and peace.
  • Advent is a season observed in many Christian churches.
Learning intention: We are learning about Advent.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write five facts that I have learnt about Advent.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Did you know that you could use wings for diving and for balancing?

Learning intention: We are learning about flight.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use the Alphabet Key to look for the key words that are related to flight.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Jack thinks that he is the class clown!

Learning intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that metaphor is a comparison between two nouns that does not use "like" or "as".

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Let's enjoy the birthday party!

On Saturday night my aunty invited my family, friends, cousins and uncles over for a birthday party. When we were getting ready for the party, I took a shower and chose my clothes for the party. I chose my Kobes shoes, a purple shirt and a yellow pair of pants that my dad had bought for me on my birthday.

When we were all ready we had to go in two cars because there were 14 of us. My mum locked up the house before she came out. Then my dad said, “Six people come with me and 5 people go with `mum!”  So my brothers and I got into my mum’s car and the six girls went with my dad.

Mum drove in front and dad followed her in the car. When we got onto the motorway, I brought down the window to feel the wind blowing on my face.  

Then my dad took over the car that we were in and led us all the way to  my aunt's house is because it was dark.

When my family got there, the party was already started and it was really fun because they had invited a lot of people so we could play hide and seek together.

Afterwards my auntie gave us ice blocks and fizzy drinks. After drinking the fizzy drink I felt really dizzy and sick. Then my older brother came and took me to my cousin’s room and left me there. While I was asleep Giovanni’s little brother came and turned on the PS4 and woke me up and so we played together. My little cousin and I chose the game Black Ops 2.

When the game started, he clicked the multiplayer mode and asked me to pressed start to join the game.  When I join, he pressed X to start the game off for us. After the game started, I felt so dizzy that I couldn’t play properly. Fortunately my dizziness went away after 15 minutes and I was so happy. So my cousin and I kept on playing and shooting each other in the game. When game ended,  it was a draw and suddenly my cousin laughed and laughed and said, “Ha ha ha haa, you can’t beat me!”
Image result for kobes shoes 11

Before long, my aunt called us to go and eat the cake my cousin and I turned off the game and ran to have some chocolate layered cake. My auntie started cutting the cake and my sisters and brothers served it to my cousin, friends, uncles and aunties. When everyone has a piece, there was one more cake left and my cousin gave it to me and said, “ Thanks for everything!” After that, we all played together.

All of a sudden, I felt dizzy again and I fell down my older brother ran and picked me up and took me to my cousin's room to lay me down on the bed. When it was packing up time, everybody left, my parent left me as well. My cousins and auntie packed everything up by themselves.  When they finished packing up, they went straight to bed and fell asleep straight away because they were so tired.

My favourite part was when I spent my time with my little cousin because he was funny and a very good gamer.

Learning intention: We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in our recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I describe my birthday party recount using action verbs.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Would you like to join me in performing three of the Kung Fu routines?

Learning intention: We are learning Kung Fu.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I record three Kung Fu routines using Wevideo.

Friday, 2 December 2016

She is smarter than me!

Learning intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I  explain that factual adjectives are descriptive words that describes a noun.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

'Toimaha' means 'weight' in Te Reo Maori!

Learning intention:We are learning the topic words for flight in Te Reo Maori.
Success criteria:I know I can do this when I record eight vocabulary that are related to flight in Te Reo Maori words using Blabberize.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Sarah's diary is on the table!

Learning intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I  explain that apostrophes are words that used to show possession of something. 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Join me in singing He Honore!

Learning intention: We are learning Te Reo Maori.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I record the Waiata He Honore using Blabberize.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Let's practise Kung Fu together!

Learning intention: We are learning  Kung Fu.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I record the Tigress duo routine using Wevideo.

Monday, 14 November 2016

He's as sick as a dog!

Learning intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I  explain that smilies are words that compares different things.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Wow, the track looks endless!

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that suffix is a letter or a group of letters that is added to the end  of a word.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Let's defend ourselves with the Tigress routine!

Learning intention: We are developing our fitness levels through Physical Education. 
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I record the Tigress routine using Wevideo.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Do you know the Kung Fu panda routine?

Learning intention: We are developing our fitness levels through physical education. 
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use WeVideo to record the steps of the kung fu panda routine that I have learnt from our first lesson of kung fu.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Guide us this night, o God!

God, our Father, this day is done.
We ask you and Jesus Christ, your Son,
that with the Spirit, our welcome guest,
you guard our sleep and bless our rest.

Learning intention: We are learning a traditional prayer.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I record an evening prayer using Blabberize.

Guardian angel, light us and guide us the way!

 Angel of God, my guardian dear,
to whom God's love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.

Learning intention: We are learning a traditional prayer.

Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use Blabberize to record the 

Guardian Angel Prayer using Blabberize.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Thank you God for this wonderful day!

God, our Father, this day is done.
We ask you and Jesus Christ, your Son,
that with the Spirit, our welcome guest,
you guard our sleep and bless our rest.

Learning intention: We are learning a traditional prayer.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use record an evening prayer using Blabberize.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Thank you oh almighty father for the food that we have!

We give you thanks
for all your gifts,
almighty God,
living and reigning
now and for ever.

Learning intention: We are learning a traditional prayer.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I record a prayer after meal in Samoan using blabberize.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Yay, finally Jack and James found the thief!

Learning Intention: We are learning to write a narrative.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I follow a structure of a narrative correctly to write my story 'Jack and James saves the day'.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

St. Joseph, help us!

                                                                                                    Learning intention: We are learning a traditional prayer.
Success criteria: I know i can do this when I use Blabberize to record the 

prayer to St. Joseph, the Protector of the Church.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

9/5 is an improper fraction!

Learning intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of our number knowledge.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that improper fraction is when the numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator. 

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Keep us on the right path, o Holy Spirit!

We are here before you o Holy Spirit
We feel the burden of our weaknesses
But come together in your name
Come to us, assist us what we must do,
Show us the path to follow,
May you yourself accomplish what you ask of us,
May you be the one to inspire and guide our decisions
Because only you, together with God the Father and his son
Who have a holy and glorious name,
You who love order and peace,
Do not let righteousness be harmed by us,
May ignorance not cause us to stray from the right path,
Any affection for others not give rise to favouritism on our part
May neither titles nor people influence us,
Keep us close to you through the gift of your grace,
So that we may be one in you and that we may not draw away from the truth in any matter.
Grant that, gathered together in your holy name,
We may be able to combine goodness with firmness as to do all things in harmony with you.
In the hope that we shall earn, through the faithful fulfillment of our duties, eternal happiness in the future.

Learning intention: We are learning a traditional prayer.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I use Blabberize to record the Adsumus prayer.

Be with us faithful Lord!

         Learning intention: We are learning to understand to write a personal prayer.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I start my prayer with the title, 'Faithful Lord' and end my prayer with amen.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Wow, there are more than 6,500 satellites sent to space!

                                            Learning intention: We are learning to understand the interactive system in outer space.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write 10 facts about satellites.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Being a journalist is a very fun job!

Learning intention: We are learning to write a description.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I describe about John Pahulu using the keywords that I have organised on a Padlet.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

'while' is a conjunction!

  Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English       grammar.  
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that conjunctions are words that joins phrases or related sentences together.

Run! The tsunami is coming for us!

 What Causes Tsunami?
             Tsunami is a wave that is way, way bigger than other waves.  A Tsunami is formed after an earthquake where the ground shakes,  then the sea goes way right back then comes back and causes a humongous wave that can destroy anything and everything in its way.

A volcanic eruption also causes a tsunami. The eruption can either  be underwater  or on land. A submarine  or underwater earthquake has a similar effect like the earthquake on land as it  makes the ground shakes and causes the water above to form into big ripples that eventually turn into  a tsunami.
Image result for tsunami  wave
An underwater volcanic  eruption can also cause a tsunami which can be very deadly. When the tsunami hits the land,  it can create a lot of damage to properties, buildings, plants and animals. People can get seriously injured or die.  But  a lot of people also survive in the tsunami if they are lucky or if they were able to escape from it by running to higher grounds.

Tsunami is one of the most dangerous disasters  that can happen to us.
In Indonesia in 2004, a  tsunami killed 230, 000 people the day after Boxing Day.

Learning intention: We are learning to understand and follow the structure of an explanation.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write the introduction, explanation and a conclusion about what causes a tsunami.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Hey, three birds were flying past me!

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English       grammar.  
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that relating verbs are verbs that are used to identify objects, such as the characters of people, animals and places.

Boland was very clever!

                                          Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our critical thinking skills.
Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I use the ideas from the text that I have read to create five critical thinking questions about the story 'Tyronne the horrible'.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

'Raise' is a synonym for 'lift'!

Learning Intention: We are learning to develop our understanding of the English grammar.  

Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that synonyms are words that have the same meaning but they have different a spelling.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Did you know that 'new' is a homonym?

Homonyms are words that have the same sounds, same spelling but they have different meanings. 
                                                         A type of swimming and flying animal.
                                                         A type of animal that have web feet.
                                                                     Another examples
                                                        A type of club that is in cricket or baseball.
                                                        A nocturnal flying mammal.
 Learning intention: We are learning to develop understanding of the English grammar.  
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that homonyms are words that have the same sounds, same spelling but have different meanings.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

4/6 is a proper fraction!

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand fractions.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that a proper fraction has a numerator that is bigger than the denominator.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Did you know that 'come' is the antonym for 'go'?

Learning intention: We are learning to develop understanding of the English grammar.  
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I explain that antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning to another word.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Hey, come on let's plant some plants!

Image result for gardeningOn Saturday, my dad and I woke up early and had breakfast together. The we changed into our gardening clothes and got all the equipment needed for planting. We used gardening fork, shovel, trowel, wheelbarrow, hedge clippers, watering can, cultivator, rubber boots and hose.

Then we went to Bunnings and bought nine roses to plant. We chose red, yellow, orange, white, yellow, pink, blue and purple. We also bought strawberries and grapes to plant.  After that we went back home, put on our rubber boots and  gloves to protect our hands from any injury.

Now, we’re ready! So I ran to the car and got out the roses that my dad and I bought and put them in the wheelbarrow that my brother pushed towards the backyard. My dad and I got a shovel and dug a hole in the ground then I grabbed the hose and watered the hole that we dug before we put in our roses. The first rose that my dad and I planted was red, then purple, yellow and blue. Then my dad said, “Go and grab the rest of the roses.” We had a good time planting them all.

A while after my dad and I used the trowel to gather the soil around the plants. When we were planting, I tried to do what Catherine showed us at the botanical garden. I took my time as I gently transferred the plant into the hole in the ground. I did it and I did it well! After that, I planted more and did the exact same thing again and again.

Finally, we’re up to the grapes and strawberries to plant into the the ground. I dug up holes and did the same thing but not forgetting to water the holes first before transferring the seedlings into the holes in the ground.

Eventually, the job was done. I went into the house, took a quick shower then changed into my clean clothes. Then, I felt so sleepy because I was so tired. I climbed into my bed to have a rest and slept. It was night time when I woke up.

My favourite part was when I planted roses, grapes and strawberry. I can’t wait for the roses to flower and for the grapes and strawberries to bear fruits.

Learning intention: We are learning to understand and use descriptive language in our writing.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I write appropriate verbs and adverbs to describe growing plants in the weekend.