Living on the moon! yes or No?
I should live on the moon because there might be some living things in it.
I think that I should live in the moon because there are no noise and it is peaceful there.
I think people should live in the moon because it has no gravity and it is fun if we can jump high.
We should stay on the moon, so we can learn if there are plants on the moon.
Most important thing people should live on the moon because there are no cars, buildings and it is quiet.
Homework! yes or No?
I really think that I should be allowed to do homework because it teach us important things like reading.
Children should be allowed to bring homework because it will make our brain smart.
Children should really do their homework because if they don't do their homework they will not know anything about
RE , that teaches us about God .
I think that children should not be given homework because at home they had lots of housework.
I think children should not be allowed to do there homework
because they want to be with their friend.
Most important thing children should do there homework because it will teach them how to write story.
Ice cream
I think children should allowed to eat Ice cream because it has vitamins and it makes us strong.
Children are allowed to eat Ice cream because it has banana fruits, and milk in it and milk makes our body strong and it will make our bones.
Ice cream are good for children because it has different flavour and some of the flavour has lots of vitamin and makes you healthy.
Strawberry Ice cream are the best Ice cream because it is mixed with fruit and they are good for me. Chocolate Ice cream has to much sugar in it and it will make me fat.
Most important thing children should not allowed to eat Ice cream because it has cookies in it and it is not good for us because it will make our teeth rotten.
Children should be allowed to eat chocolate when ever they wanted too.
I think children should be better if they eat chocolate because it will make them full.
Children should be allowed to ate chocolate because it will make them grow up how By eating milk chocolate and it can make our bone strong.
I believe children should be allowed to eat chocolate because it will make them smart and strong.
I really think that children should be not allowed to eat chocolate because chocolate has too much sugar init, and it is not good for them to eat because it will make them fat.
Most important thing children should not be allowed to eat chocolate because it will give them diabetes.
How a friend could be better
I really think that a friend could be better if they stop gossiping because they might tell something bad.
A friend should be better if they stop bullying other person because another person will bully them back.
A friend could be better if they stop fighting with other person because it might end up with a big problem.
I like a friend that is always happy and play with me because if you don't have a friend you will be sad.
Most important thing a friend could be better is, if he could be my best friend forever.